Dismal Day

The weather forecast for the morning wasn't too bad so we set off to visit Peveril Castle while the rain held off.  Now we understand that some places aren't open all year round and things slow down a bit in November, so we checked our English Heritage handbook and this site  was open at weekends in the winter - today is Saturday - all good.  
But no!  On arrival we were told that the castle was closed for renovation!  This is the third place we have been to in the past few days that was closed - for renovation on two of those.  I did not have the vocabulary to express my annoyance - which is probably just as well - as I had been looking forward to this site; I had, though, failed to check the website!  It seems these days that everyone is expected to be on the internet for everything and, yes, I could have checked but should this be assumed?

So we made the best of it, and got the best view of the castle that we could which involved a challenging but beautiful walk up Cavedale - a steep valley with amazing scenery.  Had the castle been open we probably would not have done this walk and I would have lots of detailed shots of another crumbling ruin but not the marvellous views surrounding it.

By the time we were down and back in the motorhome for some lunch the weather was becoming increasingly drippy.  Had the light been better or the forecast more promising we would have moved on to another place which may have been open!  As it was, we thought we might just as well head for home - so we did.

It has been a lovely few days away and we are now really getting to know our mobile 'home from home'. 

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