Totally Kimmish

By kimmiekims

Dolly on Kiki Street

Kiki got her own personalised tin of chocolates today, she gave them a good sniff to check they were okay! I remembered reading about the personalised tins a while back, you get them in John Lewis! You get to pick which chocolates go in as well as the engraved name, so it's Kiki Street with no nasty coffee or strawberry ones! I'll find a good use for it once it's empty, perhaps Kiki would approve of it being used for rabbit treats! We also went to the vegan festival, it was quite good!

My mum, George and his mum all stopped in for a bit this evening, they've just arrived back from a cruise of the canaries! Nice chat and they got to catch up with all the buns, including the bunny bonding going on this evening, first overnight tonight! Also, it's my mum's birthday today, so happy birthday mum!

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