
By atoll


I'll keep it short and cute sweet today I thought, as it's Orange Wednesday and me and MrsB are heading off early to the pictures to see Skyfall.

No this is not the Border Terrier Maggie or Rusty belonging to Andy Murray with their own Twitter account Maggie May Hem and 15,400 followers, but cute little Wolfie the Mark II Eco-Friendly Border Terrier.

The only Wolfie I knew previously was from the brilliant British TV sitcom called Citizen Smith, but there is nothing revolutionary at all about this little chap.

Perhaps not the most expected companion to the person I was meeting today on site, as this working dog (bred to have legs long enough to run with the hounds but short enough to go to ground to flush out foxes), spends his days keeping Neil the ecologist company as he works on site surveys.

I met Neil today on our continuing saga of trying to re-house 16 Brown Long-Eared Bats, so we can at last demolish an old building and then start building a new house in Swettenham. The bats have literally flown the roost to hibernate elsewhere over winter, and so works need to be agreed and done before Spring when they all turn up back.

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