
Ann's sister, Jill, has been staying with us for the weekend so on Saturday we went on a big long walk and yesterday we went to see the 'Kelpies'. Also................. having an extra person in the house means that I have to do more 'guarding duties than normal' so I haven't had very much sleep this weekend.

This morning, on my walk, I was walking 'slower than a baby snail that had not even learned to walk'. ….........Ann's words, not mine! All the mummies, who were walking their kids to school, were laughing at how slow I was going. Actually the mummies weren't walking their kids to school. The kids were scooting to school on their scooters.

I only went round the block for my morning walk and it exhausted me.

This afternoon, I went up Blackford Hill (in the car) for my walk. I love, love, love Blackford Hill.

Normally when I get let out of the car I run about in super, duper, speedy, zoomy mode. Today I just wandered around sniffing things but I still had a nice time.

Ann has put my dinner out for me but I'm back in bed having another little snooze.


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