'Pawsecco' with Archie

My little friend, Archie, popped round this afternoon for a glass of 'Pawsecco'. I didn't like the 'Pawsecco'. It was alcohol free and I only like proper Prosecco! …............And Archie wouldn't even try it but I think that was because I was evil eye-ing him!

The humans had proper Prosecco and nibbles and they didn't share?! In fact the minute I showed signs of sampling one of the nibbles, they got moved to a high up place where I couldn't reach them. Booohoooo.

It's always lovely to have friends visit but it's made me very tired. Archie was a very well behaved little Schnauzer. He just went into snooze mode. Obviously I had to stay awake to check out what was happening. ….............That's probably why I'm so tired now.

It was lovely to see Archie and his owners. Let's meet up again soon. xx

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