Am I poorly or not?

Today I had to have my afternoon walk in the morning because this afternoon Ann did a couple of 'Meet & Greets' and went for a swim. 

I was all happy and bouncy on my walk. We got the bus to 'Morton Hall Garden Centre' and then walked down the secret path which isn't secret any more because Ann has told the whole world about it. I did loads of scrunching around in the leaves. It was fun!

However when Ann came home this evening I was lying in my bed in subdued mode, but as soon as I saw her, I got up and wandered over to her wagging my tail. But I was looking sad!

Ann thought.................... It doesn't smell very nice in here. And then she spotted it.................... a big splodge of poo/diarrhoea right in the middle of the rug. I know, I know, that is far too much information to be sharing on Blip. We have wood floors and a tiny rug so did I really need to choose that spot?!

Anyway Ann is blaming Archie's owners. Lol! Yesterday when they popped round for Prosecco, they gave Ann some little tins of dog food that Archie was allergic to. Last night Ann put about a third of one of the tins on top of my dry food and I gobbled it all up in super quick time. I even gobbled up my joint tablet pill. It was yummy! I thought I was going to get some more tonight, ….............but apparently not.

Oh well, ho hum, I seem to be OK now.  Perhaps I might get some more in the next few days because it really was very yummy!

PS – If anyone is interested – All Ann's cleaning materials seem to contain bleach, which she obviously didn't want to use on our lovely multi-coloured IKEA rug, so she cleaned it with washing up liquid and I have to say; it's looking and smelling lovely again. Yay!


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