Too soon

Into Kendal, this morning, for what promised to be a dull meeting with an IFA. Honestly, who doesn't get saddened by being a grown-up and taking those grudging steps that reluctantly acknowledge mortality? 

In the end, though, it wasn't too bad, especially once we'd discovered we were both in the same (hyper-limited) contingent of people who were at the Brix And The Extricated gig in Manchester, last week. 

IntoTheHills was in the same café, is it happened, which was even more of a coincidence considering we were having lunch later on. But that was later and after my IFA meeting I wandered back to the office, passing beneath this decoration on the way. Thus, and not for the first time, Kendal aggravated my irritation about when it's acceptable for Christmas decorations to go up. (Rule: not before December 1st)

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Reading: 'The Silkworm' by Robert Galbraith

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