Station beneath Copenhagen airport

Earlier this year the Minx was awarded a long overdue promotion with attendant pay rise. At the time - and with characteristic generosity - she said she was going to take the miniMinx to Venice, which she did last month, and that she and I would go to Denmark and ride over the bridge. At some serendipitous point this plan was enhanced by seeing a Public Service Broadcasting gig in Malmö, the city on the far side of the bridge. 

And so it was that this afternoon we took the train to Manchester Airport, braced ourselves with a couple of drinks, and then boarded the flight to Copenhagen. As usual, the Minx had everything planned, so at the far end she took us straight to the station beneath the airport to catch the train to Østerport.

Once there, we found a 7-11 (there are LOADS of these in Copenhagen) and bought some food and a bottle of wine, before going to our hotel, the Steel House, which is a kind of hostel/hotel hybrid and very nice (would recommend). The room had a balcony and while the view was not conventionally picturesque it was lovely to look over the city as we had a glass of wine. 

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Reading: 'The Silkworm' by Robert Galbraith

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