
A whole day to mooch around Copenhagen: bliss. As usual on our trips, the Minx had a handful of candidates for places she thought we might visit, which does mean we'll always end up seeing something and lends a bit of focus to our strolls.

This morning, we were meandering through the streets towards the Rundetårn. I'd never heard of it before and so knew nothing about it and, when I saw it, I assumed there would be a spiral staircase up the middle. But there isn't: there's a road! So, we walked up, stopping halfway where there's a door into a gallery, and, having looked around there, went up the rest of the way to the observatory at the top.

After that, we found a bar for some lunch and to read our books - I finished 'The Silkworm' and promptly downloaded the next one in the series - and then we set off for Freetown Christiania. It certainly had an edgy feel - not least around the cannabis vendors - but it wasn't noticeably anarchic. Anyway, I bought a hat from a market stall - it was getting a bit chilly by this time - and then we walked back to the hotel. 

We had a drink there and then headed out for the evening. We visited a bar while we waited for a table to come free at the Vietnamese restaurant that had caught our eye earlier and then ate there, which was excellent. 

I must say that I really like Copenhagen. Like Edinburgh, it feels 'walkable' and there are lots of contrasting and interesting areas: the side streets, the main shopping area, and, of course, Christiania. Unsurprisingly, it was a bit nippy but it was also dry and still, so I never felt cold. And everyone was really friendly, today. I'm sorry that we're going tomorrow. 

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Reading: I finished ‘The Silkworm’ by Robert Gailbraith. From what I’d been told, I was already confident that this would be every bit as good as ‘The Cuckoo’s Calling’. I love the great sprawling storytelling, full of red herrings and blind alleys but, as with the Harry Potter books, everything makes complete sense as you (breathlessly) reach the end of the book. I moved on to 'Career Of Evil'.

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