Early starts

I have been impressed by both the miniMinx and Dan, this term, for the same reason. The miniMinx has started college in Manchester, which means catching the train from Chorley just after seven o'clock, every day. Dan does every Saturday at the Royal Northern College of Music, which means getting the train from Oxenholme at 0708. 

Neither of them has complained once about the early start, presumably because they are both doing something they love at an institution they admire and are proud to be part of. 

Thus, I dropped Dan of this morning and this is the view down the side of my house, taken as I arrived home from the station. I made a coffee and went back to bed.

-11.1 kgs
Reading: 'Blue Moon' by Lee Child. Well, I finished, actually. Standard Child/Reacher. Feeling a but grubby, as expected.

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