
I had such a nice time, today. Around midday I turned off my email to focus completely on a proposal for a new client. This is something I don't do much of anymore but Steve is really busy at the moment and for once there was something I could usefully take off his plate to help out.

I was at the meeting with the client last week so I knew what the project was all about, which meant I could take Steve's draft and expand on it. Man, I love devising solutions! I was at it for about three hours in the end and I enjoyed every minute.

It was pretty much dark by the time I'd finished and caught up on my email so today's picture is one that I took from my bedroom window this morrning but didn't get 'round to posting on Instagram. That big bed of mist is directly over the river.

-10.9 kgs
Reading: 'The Vanishing Half' by Brit Bennett

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