Duck Potato

Guess this is rather 'tame' compared to what I have been photographing the last two weeks. But something not 'too challenging' was what I was looking for since I'm still tired from the Costa Rica trip. I slept almost 10 hours last night ( a record for me!) and am planning to retire early this evening as well. I haven't even turned on the TV since I got home, and may not for a while. 
These flowers are from a plant found in the shallow wetlands in our area and all across the Southern US. It's latin name is Sagittaria latifolia, but we call it 'duck-potato'. It produces edible tubers that were used as a food source by the Indigenous peoples of the Americas. The little flying things I call 'hover flies', since I have not been able to really ID them. They love to hang around above the pond! 
Thanks to JDO for hosting TinyTuesday this month:)

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