this luminous life.

By Laura

Real Good Man.

Tim McGraw.

another pose | wires in the morning

Hey, it's time for a bit of a sappy, personal blip.
On Thursdays, The Office is on T.V.,
which means an evening with Kyle. :)
He's warming up to having his photo taken,
so I'm able to use blip occasionally to show him off.
It's amazing how much can change in a year.
I never expected to (re)meet such a caring,
intelligent, devoted, handsome, wonderful person like Kyle.
My friends and family know how great he is to/for me,
and I spend my days smiling because he's in my life.
I have even noticed an improvement in myself:
less stressed, more carefree & silly, and happy.
I couldn't ask for anything more. I love you.
(Now I need to get him to smile for a picture!)

I've also back blipped for the past four days.

a year ago: conversation hearts.

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