Hall's Croft

After last week at LPH, I've been wanting to find a few images I can practice selecting the sky on.  So, this afternoon, I took the opportunity of a trip over to Stratford as Gill was helping her singing tutor with another of her students at KES.

The sky had little in the way of contrast by the time we had driven there,  but I do have a couple of All Saints which might do.  On the way around I passed Hall's Croft and decided to experiment with the multiple exposure settings on my camera and produce an HDR image. I could really have done with the tripod as it was getting quite dull by this time, but I'm not too unhappy with the result so it has become my blip for today.

Change of plan!
Decided I prefer a viewpoint a few metres away, and from a few minutes previous, when the sky did, briefly, have some blue.  Grey HDR in the extra now!
It is also easier in this view to remove some of the modern signage, or at least make it less obtrusive.  Still needed the tripod and a better aperture though!

Hall's Croft was the home of William Shakespeare's daughter Susannah and her husband John Hall.  More info here.

Thanks to everyone who has visited my journal recently,  hopefully I am now caught up with commenting!

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