Jumping the Gun

This cactus is jumping the gun and getting Christmas over early. Not only that, but it is encouraging the other cacti beside it to follow suit.

The good thing about cacti growing in a house having minimal support is that they come up with the goods despite me. They are left without a drop of water for weeks on end but bloom anyway as if to hold two fingers up to my lack of nurturing skills.
On the other hand, the cactus that graces a more prestigious window other than the kitchen one and is the recipient of some dregs of liquid when I pass, does nothing but sit there looking boring. There may be a moral in there about life in general .......

What a beautiful day it was today and so mild for the middle of November. We seem to be getting much better weather late in the year only for us to suffer longer in the spring.
I have even got new buds on my wall hydrangea- they may well be in for a cold shock later.

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