Just a Walk in the Park

There is something magical about a walk through the Meadows in the half light just before dawn when most of the city is still half asleep and only joggers and dog walkers are abroad. Lights in windows are sparse, but in the distance through the trees there is a gradual build up of car headlights as commuters try and beat the breakfast rush to work.

I pick my way carefully over a carpet of leaves and tree roots preferring the joggers off piste route as I follow the periphery of the park. Today there is no wind and it is mild enough to dispense with hat and gloves. The crescent moon shines through the trees and keeps me company.

Back in the Dower House, I discover His Lordship in high dudgeon at the lack of heating because the boiler has not kicked in. The fault indicates low water pressure, the engineer is called and miraculously comes and checks everything but can’t say why it keeps happening and departs. It seems we will have to manually adjust the water pressure if it happens again. We are back at square one..........

A delightful coffee with Birthday daughter puts everything into perspective.

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