Flowery Wheels

I wager my dear Watson that this bike belongs to a woman. I reason pink panniers, basket of flowers, step through frame, preclude the use by a man. What do you think ?

Well Sherlock, it could equally be the vehicle of use by a man with emotional literacy such as one of the lovely lady boys of Fountainbridge we had occasion to meet last week. It might be a ruse to confuse us.

Indeed my dear Watson, you could be right. Any male riding this bike would be confident in his own skin and would doubtless appeal to a woman who values the feminine side of the opposite sex.
However, on balance dear sir, I am prepared to believe it does indeed belong to a woman, and here she comes , high heels, short skirt and red lipstick.
How can you be so sure Sherlock that these things define a woman? Think Grayson Perry and Eddie Izzard, my dear man. To be continued...........

Today half way through November, it was warm enough in the sun to sit outside and do the crossword, although it was an easy enough one and there was no reason to linger too long.

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