
A morning spent previewing the last few films before the Mountain Festival starts tomorrow. 
Then off to Sizergh Castle for a blip meet - lovely to put so many faces to names.
In the extra you can see three lovely pooches and a bunch of reprobates (thanks to Mrs Knottman for taking).
It was a big day out for Missy who got to meet Misty and Chloe (who has a very deep woof) and to cuddle lots of people, as can be seen with HilarysView in Marpauls link. Then a couple of miles or so, her longest adventure to date. The main blip is the result of that.

Then an evening at cfr training, and pleased to see the last of our "enhanced" group passing their assessment, I got to be the helpful passer-by.
Then humbled as in a lovely gesture some of the more affluent teams donated the bulk of the extra kit I need at this level. Every time this comes up I'm astonished that we are (as a team) required to fund ourselves to volunteer for the Ambulance Service.

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