Here we go again!

Dear Diary,

It is a bit early in the season for two snowstorms in one week but here we go.  I am up early to post in case the internet goes out.  This little chickadee is up early too to get a nutritious suet cake breakfast.  They need the extra fat to make it through the cold temperatures.  It was only 5F yesterday morning but this morning it's 20F.

I suspect the snow will be a lot lighter and fluffier this time but there will be a lot more of it so Matt will come to dig me out, bless his soul.  I plan to make a nice pot of chicken soup today!

I just realized that a year ago on this date I was posting from the hospital after my surgery!  My, hasn't this year flown by!  Very glad I just have a little snowstorm to worry about rather than a painful recovery.

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