The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Secret baby shower

Such a lovely afternoon with wonderful family. 
30 weeks and counting. Diane looking wonderful and Catriona glowing with pride.

Pin the dummy on the baby, Baby quiz, Charades, and baby bingo were a great hit. I hope the suggestions written on the nappies for night time changes, bring a smile or at least great memories of a fun afternoon.
Perhaps the Water birth video I gave them was a step too far at this stage, but you never know. Eek!

I wonder who will win the Guess the sex, weight, date and name competition?

( Hope I'm not giving away too many Baby shower secrets.)  I don't think what happens in baby shower, stays in baby shower. It was too much fun not to share.

Huge love for them and their wee pea.

As aye


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