shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Sunrise and moonset from the train

Another cracking sunrise, but this morning with the addition of the most incredibly huge moon. I just wish I'd been in Stirling at little but earlier to catch it going down near the castle, but that wasn't to be. Apologies for poor shot quality, low light, high ISO and an express train mean that while I was pretty happy with the sharpness of the moon, I wasn't pleased with the trees!

Was supposed to be going to camera club tonight, but am just too tired. Thankfully I have tomorrow off, which will be lovely. I have set my alarm for the civilised hour of 10am, and am realistically hoping to sleep until about 7am, which will be a pleasant long lie, then going to see a friend who had her hip done recently, perhaps heading into town with the new tripod for a little photography fun, or an evening at the pictures (will be an either or I think given the police state that is Cineworld). The tripod might be a bit of a giveaway that I am carrying a camera!

PS I backblipped yesterday's sunrise, also pretty special, even without the moon.

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