The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

My Luck has Changed.....

I have been scanning Ebay for a cheap Electric Sewing Machine so I can hone my Sewing Skills and I have been wondering what to get, the people who know say I should get a heavy machine and not a plastic one.
Anyhow I couldn't really pick one that I could really afford, so I kept looking, anyhow Mrs BM and I have been dynamiting the house and taking stuff to the tip, and yesterday we took another trip to the tip and just as we were about to drive off an Action Heart van pulled up and started to unload all sorts of stuff and as I was pulling away I spotted a grey box which looked very like a Sewing Machine, I went over to the two blokes and asked them if it worked, they said they didn't know and offered it to me, so I carried it back to the car and drove home with it, fully expecting to take it back to the tip the next day.
I found it had seized up so I stripped it down only to find someone had put it together wrong, so I quickly re-assembled the thing and plugged it in and guess what, it worked. I need to get someone to show me how to set it up properly but I have managed to sew two bits of material together. What a result, a machine for nothing, I have even managed to down load a Manual for it too.

For those who are in the know, it's a Jones Foreign Model K.

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