Thank Goodness for Flowers

I feel as though I am constantly blipping flowers these days, but life at the coal face leaves no time for sourcing other blips. This rather lovely arrangement caught my eye as I reported for duty at 9am having spent much time wending my way through the morning traffic and road works.

It was a rather challenging day but what I realised was that the good people in this world, who selflessly exude calmness and good humour under trying circumstances, giving their all to people in need, are the very people who should be rewarded not only with with job satisfaction, but with a salary that matches their contribution to society.

It is abhorrent to me that people who sit in fancy offices shifting money around, earn megabucks in comparison but do so little for their fellow beings.
Yes I know we need these people for the country’s economy, but do they need to reward themselves with such mouth watering salaries and pensions when nurses, teachers and doctors work so hard for so little. Things should change, but I don’t expect they will, anytime soon.

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