
...ever get the feeling your shots are becoming a little samey?

I asked Marcus ages ago if he thought he could pick my pictures out without knowing they were mine. He said yes and that I had my own style. I asked him what he thought "my style" was to which he replied; photoshop. So there we have it, my style was created by the masters at Adobe.

There's only a tiny bit of photoshop involved in this!

I started my day with a monster hangover and the rattle of the door at a ridiculously early hour. All was forgiven when I realised it was the guy delivering my new towels that I only ordered yesterday afternoon - yay!

I popped into the studio so that Marcus could do a bit more work on my arm (note to self: never get tattooed while hungover, ever again) and after that we popped to the doctors for Marcus' appointment which is where I took this.

I'm popping down to see my mate Roisin in a bit so i'll catch up with you all soon.

Have a great weekend,

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