
By Bigdreamer

A new beginning

Lara has been transitioning into her kinder class, it has gone wonderful, Lara loving it and the change in her in something truly amazing, it seems she has blossomed over night and this big transfermation has taken place. Lara expects to go every day like her sisters.... reality is that she is really not suppose to start full time until next year...trying telling that to a head strong little miss, massive melt downs. Lara has down 3 out of the 5 days this week 9-12. and still she wants more, crying hysterical on thursday, as I told her she needed a rest. (more like giving the teachers a break) as there are a lot transtioining in to the room and at times it is very hectic.

Today she stayed in the room for the morning, and when I went back to get her for art group it was very hard to get her out of there, she was making Christmas decorations. I managed to talk her in to coming.

During art Lara did not need me at all, taking charge of her work and doing it all herself, I sat back and chatted to some friends from art group.

School has been bought, talked to one mum today that is doing the architectural work, and 5 year plans for the NEW owners hmmmmm was very hard knowing that she knew who has it, of course she wasn't able to say who it was as it would be breach of contract. Just waiting waiting to see who!!! and when will we be told.

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