
By NellieD

Dragon Eggs

Today was a catch up day, all those little jobs I've not had chance to do all week. I'm organising Christmas meals for my book club and crochet group so that's two lots of 30 people to sort out. Took me a while but I think I'm there!

I've organised so many Christmas meals over the years and know that all eyes will turn to me as the food starts coming out and no-one can remember what they ordered. Fortunately, I have it covered!

I was doing a bit of gardening since the weather was nice and when I cut back the dead sedum, I saw that next year's new buds are already starting to poke through. I thought they looked like a row of little dragon eggs.

Perhaps as one thing ends, the new really is just round the corner - if you just push through a little dirt first.

Quote for today:
Life moves forward.
The old leaves wither, die and fall away, and the new growth extends forward into the light.
- Bryant H McGill

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