
By NellieD

The language of love

It was my friend's birthday last week so a group of us went out for lunch today. Three Manc blippers at the same table!

I was there early as I had planned an extra half hour so I could have a quick wander round the back streets of the Northern Quarter to get my blip in. 

This street art was tucked away up a side street. I spotted it in the distance and felt my heart beat a little quicker as I wondered if I had found a little gem in the speech bubble.
My extra shows the bottle of wine I shared with my friend. We didn't get the pun until she read it out slowly from the menu, and then it all became clear.

Quote for today:
Language is a form of communication shared by those who understand it. Speak love, not judgement, and see who shows up.
- Zenshine

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