Black Saturday

A wizz to Westfield for some Christmas items. It wasn't quite as rammed as I thought it might be. Mixed in were the West Ham supporters making their way through on the way to the match. And the nicest shoes in Geox aren't in the Black Friday offer. That is because they are the nicest shoes and everybody wants them.

And guess what? For the first time ever I have put up the outside Christmas*  lights. In November, not December. That's 'cos we are away in France next week and wont have time to put them up next weekend. I like to put them up reasonably early so that the children can see them walking to school five doors along. I hope that you will let me off, Bipmates. 

* I think we can give it the full name now. By the way - I was told a new one yesterday : BOB - Because Of Brexit. You heard it here first.

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