Not so cold

5.8C Bright blue sky and clear out over the sea, but a thin layer of cloud to the South West gradually darkening everything.

It didn't feel as cold when Maeve the Deerhound went for our walk after lunch. There was barely a breath of breeze. It looked very blue out to sea, but thin cloud approaching from the South West was making everything on land duller and darker. We walked up to the church and down towards the shore in the field with the bridle path. No more ploughing, and the bales are still on the trailer.

We went through the field and crossed the level crossing to the beach. Tide well in. Sand deep and damp. More like plodding than walking. I pocketed 3 pieces of big shells with holes in them. There was a man near the car park filling big bags with seaweed. I didn't ask him but I'm guessing it is for his garden or allotment.

Looking across towards Fife, which is pretty much due South, it looked like a very early sunset. 2pm. Quite surreal.

Later hasn't happened yet, but there will be tea and there are butterscotch biscuits in the cupboard :-)

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