Then it was empty

5.2C Bright blue sky and clear. Another lovely day. More please !

Maeve the deerhound and I went for our walk after lunch. It was very bright and we really enjoyed the walk up to the church and down the field to the shore. We used the level crossing to get to the beach. The tide was quite far in. A few people and their dogs on the beach. Two Springer Spaniels came by to say hello to Maeve as they and their owner jogged along the beach. The owner was struggling to keep up. Who wouldn't in the deep soft sand!

We carried along to the creel rack by the Fishermen's huts. I turned round to have a look along the sand and the beach that had people and dogs on it a minute before was totally empty. Couldn't resist taking a photo looking away from Carnoustie and towards Easthaven. The dingy is the one used to go out to 'Valhalla VI' when it is at a mooring. 'Valhalla VI' was right up by the end hut today, out of the water and on its trailer beside the red tractor.

Later I watched the rugby on the telly. Wales lost right at the end to Australia. Not good for Wales, thats seven games in a row they have lost. Sadly a Welsh player was taken of on a stretcher ... lets hope not as serious as it looked !
There were no Empire biscuits to be had in the Coop today, but Maeve did get her Saturday morning croissant corner. We had crumpets (the large pancake sort) while watching the rugby :-)

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