2000 Olympics...

....were held in Sydney. They built a whole lot of new venues where there are multiple opportunitues for sports of all kinds.

Today we went there to support Olivia who was in the finals of the Physie ( Physical Culture) competition..she was in the 9 year old section and we were thrilled that she made it through the heats to the semis. A great thrill as she only started last year and just to make it today was an event in itself. Afterwards we went to MacDonalds ( yes I had a chicken burger and coffee) before our long drive home.

Big day, now I need to hit the sack as I’m not used to such a big drive to the city and back. I used to do a lot of country driving but the city is different with motor ways, and odd ways to get on and off them, if you want to go right you go left, and vice versa. Some roads are 8 lanes in one direction and you need to be in the right lane at the right time. Blimey.

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