Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa

Is it too much to ask....... have them both looking the same way just once! Obviously it is as this was the best of 16 similar pictures!!

Had a terrible night with Rhona last night. We were down visiting Grandpa and Gigi and Euan went to bed no bother. Things on the other hand went down fine, slept for 20mins and then cried for the next 2 hours! I was in and out of her room every 5minutes or so, picked her up and cuddled her, tried feeding her (not hungry, on and off in 2mins!) and eventually sat beside her cot for half an hour before giving in and taking her down to join us in the unfinished but only warm room kitchen. She just looked exhausted so after half an hour down with us I tried putting her down again and she settled in 10 minutes. That is until I came up to bed and it started again so into my bed she came and stayed with Euan and Me. We slept til 7.45 so that was not so bad.

Came to stay with Great Grandmama so had lunch with her then out to Bo'ness too visit my cousin Claire and her 2 children. Had a fun afternoon there then back to grandmas for mince and tatties. Rhona ate loads, more than half of a Plum baby food pouch, and she had started opening her mouth for the soon rather than me waiting for the moments she inadvertently opens her mouth to spoon food in!
Rhona is ready for bed, hope she sleeps better tonight. It is her first ever time sleeping in the travel cot so might not be great. Will just have to hope for the best!

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