Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

The View from Here

This is my evening view. My laptop (with guess what--Blipfoto on the screen), the fireplace, and Mr. Fun learning about his new TV toy.

We have spent this day moving what seemed like everything in this house so the AT&T guy could install the latest greatest phone and TV system. I should be ashamed, maybe, to admit that we've never had cable or satelite TV. We've never had a need for it. We've always had great TV reception and the major network stations found our TV just fine. However recently Mr. Fun got the sales pitch for this package deal that would include free long distance phone, the fastest Internet, and lotsa TV channels and it was less expensive than what we've been paying without the TV channels.

So the phone guy has completed his job here and is gone. Mr. Fun sits on the sofa pushing buttons on the new remote learning about all that now comes through that TV screen, and I'm trying to determine what in the world to blip that will capture my day -- capturing my day, after all, is the reason I'm blipping.

We woke this morning to spectacular clouds and the promise of rain. And it did rain. But soon we were moving furniture away from walls so the phone worker could get to the outlets, phone jacks, and baseboards. We were told he'd arrive between 8:00 and 10:00. All I wanted to do was sleep-in. The guy didn't arrive till after 12 noon -- ugh!

So once he got here, we sat down at the dining room table and finished our Valentine cards. Honestly two grown people sending Valentines--yep! We send Valentines to everyone we know (except Deb, I didn't get one off to you, but I have a package to mail you!). So I had previously addressed the envelopes for these Valentines, and Mr. Fun signed the cards while I put stamps on the envelopes. Hey, it was a good way to keep Mr. Fun out of the phone man's way. The stamps were lovely "heart stamps" and I took a great photo of them, but that photo wasn't the winning selection for this day.

Once we completed the greeting cards, I grabbed my coat -- it was raining -- and took them to the Post Office and stopped by the bank because I wanted to put some cash in the grandkids Valentine cards.

I got back home and the phone guy was still here. So I started preparing our evening meal, started a fire in the fireplace, the phone guy finished and left and I served dinner (after exploding potatoes in the oven because I forgot to poke holes in them).

Then after dinner I was watching from my post here at the computer in the family room as Mr. Fun started figuring-out this new TV Thingy--I just couldn't resist this "family room pose."

So there you have it. Mr. Fun and Rosie enjoying the warmth of home on this Friday evening in Southern California. Two more rain storms are on their way and tomorrow it will be HEARTS everywhere! Oh the joy!

Good night.
Rosie, aka Carol

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