Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Best Friends

Time to introduce you to these three... I can't believe G brought them across, all safe in her rucksack (not in the hold). Think they were the first things that she unpacked once the Lodge had warmed up.

So, from right to left... It's Snuffles, Warp & Missie. Snuffles & Warp have been known to have their own adventures and one day will probably have their own book. Missie is new to the team and really spends most of her time on Gs pillow! So far, so good.

Here they are hogging the best spot near the fire.

Didn't sleep too well last night. A bit too cold! I've never seen frost like what we had this morning. And the car which looked like someone had carefully put some icing on it... took 10 mins to thaw out. (It was -1degC after all). SO GLAD we've got heated seats! First stop was to have a snack from fav hotdog stand; then checked out Guildford High Street.

Left the heating on, so really good to get back to a very warm home. Internet connection a problem and may be very sporadic the next few days. C'est la vie!

PS. Alternative for today...
PPS. Heard from my stepmum it is pouring with rain in Dubai and the weather is really pleasant!!! Like, it was just waiting for us to leave!
PPPS. I'm OK with the cold, really. Not!

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