Candid Camera

By weebone

Music and Mayhem

Wow - I haven't blipped in a long time! It's cause I'm on instagram these days. Y'all should try it. Anyway, today I went through to Shawlands to do a gig with El Mafrex. It was a rather big venue with a great sound. The whole thing did rather run over-schedule though. My first set was over an hour later than it should have been! Although I was only planning to do a couple of songs with El Mafrex, the lovely Scott Nicol (pictured above) invited me to join him onstage for his set. That was good fun - I really enjoyed it! I only knew a couple of the songs very vaguely and rehearsed the others for about 10 mins on the day but I think I winged it rather well!

I also had a cool TV interview for Turn Flicks and got invited to play in Prestwick at "The Route" - a youth outreach cafe that Scott Nicol is involved in. A long but rather fun day!

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