
Stop a moment, let me count you. (Again)
They're at it again. By an odd coincidence today's Wednesnight became a Wednesday due to the Clicky/Jerra consortium having business at Carlisle. Fortuitously, my Blue Badge enabled us to park in damnear the same spot as I was standing last time we saw them.
By an equally odd coincidence, the weather was not dissimilar this time except brollies seem to be eschewed on this Crocodile.
Thence unto Dobbies; where, unlike Houghton Hall, they are not averse to the odd photo now and then.
Where I wasn't sure whether the R.S.P.C.C. stood for prevention of cruelty to Cyclamens OR Cacti. (See extras)
I, frequently , wonder:-
1. What nitwit thinks them up?
2. How many gardeners actually like the concept?

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