
By feefifofum

Those eyes.

Who can resist them? Even if she DID eat my sandwich.

This mornings placement went very quickly, and I was just so happy to come home and have Erin in the flat for a big hug and a casual insult or two. Put my mind at rest to see her cheery face before she abandons me AGAIN for home (I'll forgive you...maybe).

Out to Rachels for house/doggy/cat sitting. Thought it was all going pretty well, after being a bit restless she settled and kept me company whilst I did a bit of work (or go on facebook, as appears to be the case here), then went to lie down in the corridor. I forgot I had my sandwich from lunch that I had only managed to get a few bites out of in my bag, but she'd sniffed it out, gone into the room where my bag was, got onto the bed, into my bag, pulled the sandwich out and had managed to gulp most of it before I got to her having heard the sandwich bag rustling. She seemed to think it was a bit of a game, but after a few stern NO's she lay down and looked at me rather pitifully, I think that was maybe sorry! She lay down by my feet looking at me with a please don't tell them I ate your sandwich kind of look. She went to bed with minimal trauma too so that was good.

The photo exposure is a bit weird, but I kinda like it!

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