horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Off into the sunset...

Rather pleased with this as moments earlier he'd been nicely framed in blue, meaning some uber-quick on-the-fly adjustment to catch the sunset.

Remarkably today we went into town for various items... And came away with them all... I've got some new glasses ordered and some new powdered food colouring and various flavour extracts for macaroons; Mel got some shoes returned, a Christmas Card to go to NZ (already a day late!) and wrapping paper; and we picked up a couple of cleaned rugs from Nomad's Tent and some fish, clams and brown shrimp for dinner tonight from the fishmonger.

So finding time to clean the bike, fix a bird feeder and have a sunsetting wander around Duddingston Loch was quite nice.

Quick word, given it's old news now, on the Leveson Enquiry, and more particularly Mr Sleazeball Cameron's response about not wanting State Censorship of the media by controlling it in legislation. Mr Cameron, are you being deliberately disingenuous? You know, you definitely know, that the recommendation is not for legal control of the press, but rather legal legitimacy of a regulator. It is not the same thing. And it's also not unheard of... Ofcom, Ofwat.... They're all entities created by statute, given legal powers to enforce decisions. They are not State Control of communications or water, but rather simple regulators given certain powers. THAT is what is suggested by Leveson, so stop toadying up to your media chums you slimey little scrotal leech of a clingfilm-faced pus ball.

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