
Last day at the holiday house and all packed up to go. Arranged a meeting with the notaire to sign papers before driving back to the tunnel in the van. I liked these sofa/stool things in the foyer of the grand old mansion that houses the lawyers offices. They are made of plastic which fools you when you inevitably go to give them a feel.

Leaving Rochefort at 3.45 pm an 8 hour drive lay ahead to get to the 11.50 tunnel crossing. The first two hours were in daylight and then it was 6 hours in the dark and there aren't any street lights on the autoroutes. At some of the tolls there were friendly hi-viz protestors waving us through. I asked if I could take the picture of a group of them - would have made a good Blip - but they weren't having any. Fair enough.

Onward past Le Mans and through Rouen. Saw some migrants walking along the hard shoulder near Boulogne. What were they doing there?

Then arriving at the tunnel at Calais at 11.45 we were told that the loading had closed and we had missed it. Next crossing 01.30. 

Next instalment tomorrow...

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