Useless collie!

Today Ann told me I was useless! Well that hasn't done very much for my self-esteem has it? In today's world of positive parenting dog ownership, telling a gorgeous little collie that she's useless is not a very nice thing to do is it?

What happened was............................. Today we had a new fridge/freezer delivered and last night Ann told me that we had to wait in all day between 7am and 6pm for it to arrive. That was a worrying bit of info. because:

1 I didn't want to get up before 7am when it would be cold and dark and go for my walk. And

2 I didn't know if I could last 11 hours without going to the toilet.

However Ann said, 'Molly, the delivery guys will phone us about an hour before they are due to arrive so as long as you just have little on your lead walks around the streets, I'll still be able to take you out.'

Phew! I was glad that I'd be able to go to the toilet but I was angry that I was only going to have on my lead walks.

But do you know what happened?.......................... Ann got a text saying that our new fridge/freezer was going to be delivered between 12-2pm. Yay! ….......So I got a proper afternoon walk after all.

Anyway; to get back to why I'm supposedly 'useless'................................

Delivery guys arrived and buzzed our buzzer really, really loudly. I didn't react at all. Ann went and opened our flat door and stood waiting on the landing for them while the lift came up to our floor. I didn't react at all. Two big delivery guys carried a fridge/freezer into our hall. I didn't react at all. Delivery guys asked which room it had to go in. I didn't react at all. Ann said, 'If you could put it in the kitchen/living room that would be great. I've got a dog in there and she'll probably bark at you.' Delivery guys came right into our kitchen and put the fridge/freezer down. I didn't react at all. And then when Ann was signing for our new fridge/freezer I decided to come out of my bed and when I saw two strange men in our flat I did one solitary little woof. ….........Well that wasn't enough to scare them off.

Ann wasn't very pleased with me. She said, 'Molly, you are a useless guard dog these days. What would have happened if the delivery guys were mad axe welding rapists or murderers? I'd probably be dead by now. Useless, useless, useless, collie!'

I'm sad that I'm not able to protect Ann in the way to which she has become accustomed but I can't help getting old................

…...............I know Ann understands because she's getting old too, but fortunately she can still see and hear.

After our fridge/freezer had been delivered I got taken to Figgate Park for my walk. Yay! But I was in 'sad mode'. I don't like being a useless collie. I didn't do any speedy running and I didn't do any splish, splash, sploshing in the burn. I just trotted along in good dog mode.

Do you really think that Ann thinks that I'm a useless, useless, useless collie???

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