Housewife's Choice

By christilou


This isn't clever photoshop, it's actually my filthy patio door where Little B hurls himself full pelt whenever he wants to come in! He was given half a dog chew stick this morning to keep him quiet, except it didn't. He treated it like a precious treasure and spent some time wandering around the house whining with the wretched thing in his mouth, looking for a suitable hiding place. He then decided that the garden would be the best place to hide it from me and trotted off outside. After a while, back he came with the chew still in his mouth and here we have him at the door trying to bring it back in. Don't know what became of it eventually though. I expect it'll turn up under a cushion at some point!

Feeling extremely tired, this dance show is giving me sleepless nights this week. It's not that I'm all that worried about the performance because I feel quite confident that I can muddle through the bits I don't know too well. I just can't get the music to stop playing in my brain!!!!

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