Cameron's edited life

By cameronmcvean

My dullest Blip, ever...

After getting a thorough soaking at the Football last night, I thought it'd be a damp weekend - instead, East Lothian woke up to a white world. There was approx 2 inches of snow up in the hills where I live, but only a wee frosting down in Haddington.

I foolishly went to Livingston this afternoon - me and half of the population of Central Scotland. Bah. Headache time :-(

And how about this for a thrilling Saturday evening?: 2 1/2 hours to kill in Musselburgh waiting for my son to come out of the panto in the Brunton Theatre. I joined the odd-bods and night owls in the 24 hr ASDA, and then sat in an empty McDonalds. Whoop-de-do!!

Anyhow, here's a dull image to reflect a dull day.

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