Christmas Tree

I blipped this little tree on Friday for KG  - I thought he was coming home today but yesterday they told him he needed a blood transfusion - we assumed (wrongly) that it would be done yesterday as they told us he would go home today.  When I phoned him early this morning he confirmed that he was coming home - while at the bus stop I received another call to say it is tomorrow.  I was a bit dejected and the bus was late to boot.  We had to do a lot of chasing to find out when it was likely to be done but after I left about 4 ish they removed the 2 wires from the sternum and started the transfusion and we are told it is tomorrow.  I do hope so.
Anyway I go home with no blip and decided that as our tree was not up yet (and I will do that probably Friday) I would decorate his little tree so at least there is something almost Christmassy for him to come home to
A bit of a grey day and it was raining quite heavily when I left Bristol but when I got off the bus the rain had stopped and there was blue skies

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