
Today's the day .....................…. to introduce a cow

It has been wet and miserable here today - and this is a picture of a very wet and possibly very miserable 'Belted Galloway'.

The Belted Galloway is a heritage breed of beef cattle that originated from Galloway in the south west of Scotland.  They are adapted to living on the poor upland pastures and windswept moorlands of the region.  So perhaps it's not as miserable as it looks.  

Apparently, the Belted Galloway is currently experiencing an upsurge in popularity - for a number of reasons - not least because it's good at coping with inclement weather.  'This remarkable animal is slow to mature, which means its beef has a special flavour and texture which is the envy of many other breeds. The cows live far longer than other cattle often well into their twenties, producing more calves and reducing replacement costs'.

All in all - a little belter .....................….

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