Minstrel Mischief!

This morning Brian came downstairs to go for a pee at 5AM and discovered Minstrel had dragged all the tinsel I'd put around the Christmas tree stand onto the floor! Honestly, this year he has been more of a pain with the decorations than when he was a kitten! He is 4 now!

Here he is sitting in a delivery box like butter wouldn't melt! 

Talking of deliveries, the one I had go missing the other day and one of Jae's were brought to our house today by a workman doing a job at the house on the corner. It is 2 doors away from us, and has the same house number, but is on an adjoining street! 

The parcels had been dumped in the yard of a currently empty house! It was lucky the workman saw them and brought them to us. Not so lucky that the books Jae had ordered were in cardboard which had become soaking wet. He has sent them a stinging message - with photos recording the damage!

Today we got the shopping done early - I have not been to my folks' due to an appointment my Dad had in Sleaford which would have clashed with my train times! As luck would have it, Bri is off, so we cracked on and got the shopping out of the way! 

I have wrapped all the presents we have bought/had delivered so far this afternoon, which is good as I was beginning to wonder how I was going to fit it all in!

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