Hello, it's me again :)

My plans for today included waking up early, a photowalk at Mastbos in Breda with Bas, visiting one of my sisters who celebrates her birthday today and going to see the Skyfall movie with Niels, the Hero.

So of course I woke up very late, went to Tilburg and had coffee tea with Bas, and later visited a different sister :) Did I ever say I'm a good planner? because I think that wasn't true :)
Lucky my friend Niels is an excellent planner, so in a few minutes he will pick me up to go to the cinema, right on time, all according to the planning!

Niels, the Hero, is a hero because he managed to get me 6 tickets for the Springsteen concert. I need to come up with something to thank him, without him I would have been a sad little girl without tickets :)

Let's listen to this the whole day.

Missing exif data: f/1.7 I think. Bas made this photo and he had some troubles with my manual focus lens :) the focal length is 50mm and not 70mm :)

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