While Mr. HCB was out in the garden yesterday, I decided I would go out too, as it was quite sunny, and pick up some of the thousands of leaves that fall from the Council's trees into our garden.  They were very wet and mucky, so it wasn't a pleasant job, but it needed to be done.  Whilst out there, I noticed on top of the pile of logs, some tiny mushrooms, so thought they would make a good Blip for Tiny Tuesday, but of course, the shot had to be taken today and not yesterday!

Having had my shower quite early, and knowing that Mr. HCB was going out walking with his friend, Barry, at 9.30 I didn't rush to get dressed, in fact, I was out in the garden in my pink robe - but I did need shoes and not slippers, as it was very damp on the grass.

I'm not well up on mushrooms or fungi - so I did a Google search by asking if fungi and mushrooms are the same and got this interesting answer:

"Yes and no: mushrooms are to fungi as flowers are to plants. Not all fungi produce mushrooms and not all plants produce flowers. Also, like flowers, the mushroom is just the reproductive body of the fungi (most of the organism is underground)."

So I guess that means that my Tiny Tuesday offering today is a mushroom but I have no idea what sort but perhaps someone reading this might know.

Mr. HCB and I had a lovely time last night when we went to support D. (mindful_life) and her friend, Vikki, in their début performance playing as "Strictly Strings" at The Jovial Monk.  There were lots of people there and there was a really festive atmosphere with lots of stalls selling Christmas goodies with mulled wine on offer too, so their Christmas repertoire added to the festivity as did the arrival of Santa Claus.  Both D's and Vikki's son had a great time wandering around and had great fun icing biscuits and making decorations - in fact, the children who attended were very well catered for.

D and Vikki did really well and we all hope that lots of money was raised for a community defibrillator.  I have put a photograph of the two of them in as an extra and the exciting thing is that they have been asked back for the Summer Barbecue.

"Christmas, my child, 
     is love in action." 
Dale Evans  

P.S.  I am going to have my 24 hour heart monitor fitted this afternoon and then we are at our Home Group this evening, so there may not be many comments.

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