
had a wee urban-autumnal photoshoot with George and Jasmine over on Magnolia Ave. They are superchill and easy to work with and always fun to be around. And they had their two dogs Iggy and Boca in tow. Will be processing their photos tonight and tomorrow and get them off soon so they can start making up their Christmas cards. Gdovins in LARGE.

Alternate Take.

in a bit, heading over to Bethany's Christmas party with Tiger and Rachael. White Elephant gift exchange. The Night Riders have a similar party tonight but I don't think we will be able to make it. We've been going all weekend with social things as well as business/planning things. And we need groceries. Tonight: we might need tonight to chill out to ourselves, get some schoolwork done, and watch the mid-season finale of Walking Dead.

Love friends, love the holiday season. I just wish it wasn't 85 degrees out. Some semblance of winter would be appreciated. Ah, Texas. Cheers, friends. Catch you soon.

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