
By Jamjar

One Street #4 - Don't dig there...

...dig it elsewhere etc.

I was already awake, but Steve had a very rude awakening this morning at 8.30 when a pneumatic drill started up outside next door. You can imagine what it sounded like in our very narrow street! There's now a hole in the road that's filled with water, so we assume that there's a leak on the mains.

The work was probably announced over the village tannoy system yesterday but we weren't here for much of the day, and even if we had been, there's a good chance that we wouldn't have understood it as the announcements tend to sound quite garbled.

When I take Jasper out in about half an hour I could try asking them what they're doing, but although I know how to ask the question would I understand the answer?

Edit: The water went off, but luckily I'd already filled both kettles. When we returned after lunch our street had several squares of metal strategically placed over various patches of concrete, and when cars drive over them it makes a right clonk... and we think they'll be there all night. Oh joy!

2nd edit: The clonking was driving us mad, so we decided to sleep at the Mas where there's peace and quiet.

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