Lalbagh Botanical Gardens, Bangalore, INDIA - 2

There was not all that much to admire in the Lalbagh Botanical Gardens today, but that might have something to do with the season.  It's winter here, after all.  Wandered around the gardens for a couple of hours, and there were some lovely blooms (extras), but also hawks, herons, cormorants, and cranes.  The place clearly needs more attention, though.  

After the gardens, we passed by the local Jamma Masjid but there was nowhere to park and we'd have had to reserve an expensive guide, so I just got out of the car for 10 minutes and took some shots of the outside.  After that, I napped in the car while the driver maneouvered out of the jam and brought us to a quiet corner called Cinnamon, one of my friend's suggestions, where we had lunch and bought yet another scarf, plus one for M, H's wife, the one who brought us to the train station and will be watering our plants while we're away.

AW has been throwing up occasionally, and taking some urgent trips to the toilet, which usually happens the first few days of any trip anywhere.  We both know this will pass but it brings quite a bit of discomfort just the same.  The strange thing is that he doesn't feel any tummy pain of any kind.  He just has to get rid of everything he just ate.  I am somewhat worried, though, even though I'm used to it.

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